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FBI: Detroit – #2 most dangerous City… Flint – #3

by @ 7:30 pm on 10/30/2006. Filed under general

Welcome to Michigan!!!

Interestingly Troy is listed as the 5th safest and Sterling Heights is listed as the 16th safest and they are between Detroit and Flint. I am nearer to Troy and Sterling Heights than Detroit or Flint – miles versus tens of miles.

I figure that it is so dangerous in those two cities because it is so nasty. You look around and you just want to beat someone up because the residents are so disrespectful and they just destroy the place. I could never understand the mentality of throwing stones through random windows and feeling cool about it or just painting stupid logos on the sides of buildings or setting buildings on fire.

It isn’t just about a lack of jobs. There are A LOT of people in Detroit (and many places actually) that know they can get away with abusing the system and do. They wouldn’t work if there were jobs on every corner for them because the country owes them a living or at least they seem to think so.

I don’t have a problem helping people down on their luck, but if it is consistent over the years, they start losing things like the right to have their own house, car, etc. They get to live in government housing on government campuses and work on farming or building things for the government. If they get an outside job… Alright, they become full citizens again and get to go own stuff and become a useful member to society. I am sure that is a bit unpopular but so be it. 🙂


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