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Details on some of the Vista Security changes…

by @ 1:45 am on 11/5/2006. Filed under tech

If you manage, integrate, or develop code for Windows PCs in a business environment; you will want to read this document I am linking to below. I am not sure if it is at 100% yet as there were a couple of things mentioned that I don’t believe were correct, but it should be required reading for anyone who will be managing, integrating apps for, or developing code for Vista or Longhorn…

The summary is that there are a lot of changes in the basic security model assuming you don’t go and turn off all of the security features and I really recommend that folks NOT turn the features off. These security features are what WE have been telling MSFT they needed to do for some time. Sure they may not be what we expected but they are what we asked for…

If you just throw Vista out there on the desktops you will probably run into quite a few of your current admin/management practices/processes/procedures that just don’t work any more. This doc will start to help you understand why.

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