joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for January 6th, 2007

HowTo: Find what objects have inheritance turned off…

by @ Saturday, January 6th, 2007. Filed under tech

This question comes up so often I decided to write a little something something on it so I can point people at it instead of rewriting the answer. So let’s say the questions comes in like Question: How do I query AD for all users (or objects or whatever) that don’t have “Allow inheritable permissions […]

AdFind V01.35.00

by @ Saturday, January 6th, 2007. Filed under updates

I have released an update to AdFind. The new version is V01.35.00. The following changes are included: Fixed bug in -onlydacl Fixed bug in -sddl for ACL flag output Added shortcut DomainNCs Changed output of ACL Flag output for -sddl++ Added -onlydaclflag, -onlysaclflag, -onlyaclflags I think folks will like the -onlydaclflag switch once they realize […]

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