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Virtual PC 2007 is now available for free download…

by @ 9:02 pm on 2/19/2007. Filed under general

Some key features of Virtual PC 2007 include:
Support for x64 Windows as a host operating system
Support for hardware virtualization support
Support for Windows Vista as a guest and host operating system
Support for PXE network booting of virtual machines
Support for the use of full screen virtual machines on multi-monitor systems (VM still stays on just one monitor though)

Unfortunately they used the same filename for the x86 and x64 downloads so if you download both, watch for that. Also try not to notice misspellings and formatting errors on the download page… ;o)



Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “Virtual PC 2007 is now available for free download…”

  1. matheesha says:

    Hi Joe

    I dunno if you are aware of virtualbox. From the initial play I had, it looks very good. Its free for personal use, open source and has some killer features like snapshots (which VPC doesnt have).



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