joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for February, 2007

Classic Scrubs Quote

by @ Friday, February 2nd, 2007. Filed under quotes

[JD is holding a copy of “The War in Iraq for Dummies” and is on about page 20 of about 420 pages] I felt like an idiot so I’ve been reading up on this Iraq situation.  You know what’s so messed up?  I just got to the part where President Bush gave his mission accomplished […]


by @ Thursday, February 1st, 2007. Filed under general

Futureweapons the TV show rocks… If you are a geek in any way shape or form, you have GOT to watch this show. Your propeller will fly at about Mach 2. Rating 3.00 out of 5

Just had to laugh…

by @ Thursday, February 1st, 2007. Filed under general

Are we still out there Defending Infrastructure Security….. err no was it Defending Security Infrastructures?  Whatever… I received two emails today about the same basic topic and at first I was annoyed and then it cracked me up… Someone unmentionable at Tandon Endeavors seems to have recently decided that he or I guess it is his “company” called […]

AdFind -ASQ and Unavailable Critical Extension

by @ Thursday, February 1st, 2007. Filed under tech

So one of my old MCS friends who is no longer with MCS and is now doing real admin work has admitted that he loves AdFind and depends on it daily. That makes me smile. What makes me smile even more is when he runs into things that I used to bitch about to him […]

Hey I don’t want quotes in AdFind’s CSV output….

by @ Thursday, February 1st, 2007. Filed under tech

I keep getting pinged on this so I will likely add a switch like -csvnoq or something like that… In the meanwhile if you don’t want quotes in your AdFind CSV output use -csvq “” which literally tells adfind to use null for the quoting character. You need to be careful with this though, the […]

Using cheap I.T. labor doesn’t make I.T. cheaper…

by @ Thursday, February 1st, 2007. Filed under rants

In actuality cheap I.T. labor screws I.T. up and ends up costing more in quality, correction/redo work, and loss of customers sick to death of dealing with your shitty workers. You get what you pay for. If you want to use dirt cheap I.T. labor… when your data and everything else is ass backwards, you know why. […]

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