joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for April, 2007

Thank you for calling Company XYZ, you have reached India.

by @ Thursday, April 5th, 2007. Filed under general

Interesting article Call center employees would be required to disclose their physical location when U.S. consumers call them if freshman Congressman Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania has his way. Can’t say I expect that it should surprise many people…. I mean if someone says “Hi my name is John Smith” and they speak with a […]

Gap of Information

by @ Thursday, April 5th, 2007. Filed under quotes

Look I’m just saying that some where between Jesus dying on the cross and a giant bunny hiding eggs there seems to be a gap of information. -Stanley (SouthPark) Rating 3.00 out of 5

Is that my book on Mark’s bookshelf?

by @ Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007. Filed under general

I just received an email from MikeK, frequent joeware blog commenter that indicated that it looks like my book – Active Directory Third Edition is up on Mark Russinovich’s bookshelf. You see it in this video It certainly looks like the Active Directory book, but I can’t tell which edition it is, it may […]

Late night code writing…

by @ Monday, April 2nd, 2007. Filed under tech

Not sure whether to put this under humour or tech. I chose tech because I am likely the only one laughing. I have been working on a new command line tool to manage PSO’s. Tonight I was testing some of the basic components to make sure I could move forward to some of the cooler […]

Google Offers Free In-Home Wireless Broadband Service for Much of Urban North America

by @ Sunday, April 1st, 2007. Filed under humour

Google has announced a new beta wireless broadband service which supports much of urban North America. It leverages an, until now, underutilized infrastructure that connects most homes in urban areas. Previously most network providers have been trying to leverage power lines and video based cable lines. Unfortunately the volume of the available media pipes are […]

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