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New Utility – Unjoin V1.1.0

by @ 10:54 pm on 7/17/2007. Filed under updates

My friend Dean was griping about NETDOM a while back and how it wasn’t working for him on something. I was, as I seem to be most of the time now, swamped under water with a reed to breath through so unfortunately I didn’t have much time to chat with him about the problem and try to figure out what might be the issue. So I figured I could write my own version of the tool quicker and did so and sent that off to him and voila he is happy.

I then was pinged by a few more people with similar needs and finally it just got to a point that I figured I might as well clean it up for general release and post it so here it is….


It will unjoin a machine from a domain and not even start to ask the domain for permission or even tell it it did so, zip, out of the domain, have a nice day. You will find that this will likely be faster than NETDOM for any unjoin ops. It allows you to specify connection creds and will also allow you to specify a reboot. Of course it has a built in safety in that you have to specify -forreal to get it to do the real work or otherwise it will just tell you the current join status of the machine in question (i.e. in a workgroup named xxxx or in a domain named yyyy).

Have at it and have fun.


Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “New Utility – Unjoin V1.1.0”

  1. Mike says:


    Does it also remind people to make sure they know a local admin password before performing the removal – or would that be too much hand-holding? 🙂

  2. joe says:

    Mike: That would be a good add for some people I think. I will think of what I can do around that, maybe give an option to set the password to something known or creates an ID/Password. We will see. As of right now though it is what it is. 🙂

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