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Do I coddle my cat too much?

by @ 7:55 am on 8/1/2007. Filed under general

I love my cat, she rocks. Her name is Trouble and yes it is self-fulfilling.

I started to think that just maybe I coddle her too much though this morning when I was eating some Shredded Mini-Wheats and she walks up and sits down right in front of me and puts her paw on the side of my bowl and meows basically saying, “Where’s mine you little bitch?”… So I finish up what I am going to eat and dip the spoon in the milk careful to avoid anything but milk. I put it in front of her and she dips down to drink it but stops… I raise the spoon a little and then she starts drinking. She finishes the first spoon and so I get her another spoonful and put it up for her and she starts moving towards it and again stops, I raise it up a little and then she starts drinking it.

This is the same cat that won’t drink out of the bowl of water nor even the toilet, I have to turn the faucet on in the Jacuzzi tub to a very slow leak and she will drink from that…. She has two kitty litter pans in case one doesn’t “feel right” and she has at least 8 or 9 locations around the house set up for her to lay down and sleep.

Is that too much coddling?


Rating 3.00 out of 5

10 Responses to “Do I coddle my cat too much?”

  1. M@ says:

    If you wanna climb the corporate ladder, You need to treat the president ( right.


    But yes you are a little too attached. (IMHO)

  2. Your far too attached there Joe.

    Show a bit of tuff love, leave her out all night. She’ll soon be putty in your hands


  3. Mike Kline says:

    What does she drink from when you are not there?

  4. Missy says:

    Yes indeedy, it is.

  5. Chrissy says:

    Cats are like kids, if you give in to them, they will take advantage.

    My elderly cat … I used to get up at 7:30am to feed her. Then it became 6:30, then 5:30 and I finally drew the line at 4:30. I put in my earplugs and let her “go to town” with her meowing. She eventually got bored and settled for 8:00am. She used to require super fresh water too..broke her of that habit by locking her out of the bathroom.

    You are setting yourself up for servitude 😉

  6. joe says:

    Michael: LOL, I don’t let her run around outside. She has the run of the whole house, I specifically made sure she was afraid of the front door. If ever she starts making her way towards it again I scare her again.

    Mike: I actually leave the water on a very slow drip. Contrary to my parents telling me as a kid that dripping water would run up the water bill, I saw no increase.

    Missy: ;o)

    Chrissy: Understood. There will be no 6:30AM feedings. 🙂

  7. jorge says:

    cats do rock… we have had ours since a few weeks after they were born. One is kinda mine and the other is kinda Nelleke’s (my wife). Each morning just before cleaning their box and feeding them I greated with all kinds of joyful “miauws” 😉
    It is fun to see when they are running around the house after each other and getting kinda crazy and climbing on everything they see fit. Great animals to have around and I would not want to miss them for anything!

  8. Don says:

    “Mike: I actually leave the water on a very slow drip…”

    So you are the one draining Lake Superior ( 🙂

  9. Walkabout Tigger says:

    While I have not gone to your extremes, I do occasionally purchase baby food meats and “cat milk” (lactose-free, taurine-added) for my 4 fur kids.

  10. Christine says:

    Ha! Coddle away, that is hilarious. My cat is trained to meow (demanding “her turn”) when I am nearing the end of my cereal bowl too. She knows the ice cream and cereal bowls but is polite enough to wait til the I am nearing the end of the bowl. Somehow she can tell. It is a dishwashing service of sorts she provides.

    Only time it becomes a problem is when your cat-neutral (or anti-cat) spouse enters the room and witnesses the offending cat-coddling. And you are supposed to be on the same team in training the cat NOT to jump on the counters… d’oh!

    BTW, I bought a cat-fountain, which Kitty feels is worse than the sink but better than sharing the dog water bowl. It recycles the water but probably explains a few power-grid failures.

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