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Primary PC finally up and running… And misc chatter

by @ 12:42 pm on 12/1/2007. Filed under general

So I moved to the new house back in mid October right? Well last night I finally got my main PC, Super Fast Mofo XP 32 (SFMXP32) up and running. Almost 2 months without that machine. I still don’t have my main TV up, I have a 26″ Samsung flatpanel up and running but that just plays the Classical Music channel on Comcast all day. The picture quality isn’t the greatest, I don’t know yet if that is because Comcast sucks or that TV sucks. I have watched a couple of Hero’s episodes I recorded on the media center over on my HP 17″ laptop so I am not completely in the dark, but pretty close. Just so much to do.

I have to say though, I didn’t much miss the primary PC not up and running except for the fact that it has all of my music (40GB worth) on it. I haven’t really missed the TV all that much either. I finally played Halo 3 over Thanksgiving when I was up at my sister’s house. I played with my nephews. It was fun, but I didn’t feel the rush I used to get with Halo previously. Lots of changes going on with the new house and stuff and I wonder, was all of the playing on the XBOX and watching TV and hanging out on the computer distractions to keep me busy? I don’t know. Maybe some day.


I am starting to have second thoughts on whether I will write the AD Cookbook Third Edition. I started going through some of the paperwork and just kept thinking, this is a major pain in the butt and I have better things to do. Especially considering O’Reilly approached me, I didn’t ask them if I could do it. I have so much stuff to do on the house and work and not to mention I want to start getting the joeware utilities updated for Windows Server 2008 because there will need to be a lot of changes to properly support it for my stuff. Plus I need to really look at getting Deviant Software (DVS) off the ground and going. We shall see, if the offer that finally comes through is amazing, I may stick with it, if not, it goes to the back of the pile.


I am also reconsidering speaking at DEC. Similar issue as with the AD Cookbook but slightly different. At this point in time, I think I would rather work on the house that week or go down to Florida and sit and hang out with my good buddy Dean. Kat if you have your ears on, you need to be there too. We need someone to pick on. 🙂


I know I know, I haven’t posted house pics in a while. I have been taking them still though. And now that I have my PC up with the photo editing software, it will be more likely I will get that done sooner rather than later. Just need to find some time to sit and sort through it all. But I will. 🙂

Latest update is I now received my bedroom furniture set – awesome, and my kitchen table – very nice, and a great little curio for my special glass items. I am also in the process of making the shelving for my fun knick knacks in my home office. I couldn’t find anything I liked that I could buy so decided just to get some wood and brackets and get the router and stain out and make something instead. It will take a little more time but I didn’t want to put something up that will bother me every time I look at it. Ditto for my living room furniture, what I wanted wasn’t available anymore when I went in to order. I figure it was meant to be and I will find something better later.


  take care,


Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “Primary PC finally up and running… And misc chatter”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    With all the projects you have going I can understand not wanting to do the cookbook. O’Reilly should show you the money but if they don’t skipping it would save a lot of stress. I bet a lot of people are looking forward to the Joe & Dean show.

    If you like shooter games you may want to try Call of Duty 4 when you get some time. I didn’t feel the rush on that game at first but once you get a little better and start getting some of the upgraded weapons and rank it becomes really fun to play. There are also a lot of different options in multiplayer mode.

    The heroes finale should be good Monday night.

  2. Iain says:

    I don’t know how you manage to get through each day knowing the amount of work you have lined up!!! I’d worry i’d end up cutting corners to get the work finished.

  3. joe says:

    Mike: Yeah the Dean and joe show is pretty popular. The thing is that I do it mostly for my good buddy Dean. He really enjoys getting up in front of people like that, me not so much. I prefer the more informal chatting between sessions and social gatherings where I can step in and out of the conversation as desired.

    Ian: Actually it just keeps me plugging ahead. My personal standards are so finicky that while cutting corners may seem desireable if I screwed something up I would be very upset with myself and have done it in the past so tend to not do it now. I just sit and think, I need to stay up later or get up earlier and keep plugging away. Occasionally when I get too backed up I start telling people no, I hate doing that but so be it.

    The last few months I have been passively telling people no as my personal email inbox with some 2000 messages, my lists inbox with 8000 messages, and my complete lack of posting in the newsgroups attests to.

    I will catch it all back up, eventually, as long as I am careful on what additional projects (both for companies and friends) I pick up. I am slowly digging out now.

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