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Do you use the command prompt?

by @ 12:21 am on 12/14/2007. Filed under tech

Don’t forget to set yourself up with a cool prompt then… Personally I like seeing the time and date stamp. You can do that by setting your prompt to be

$D $T$_$P$G

That ends up looking like

Thu 12/13/2007 23:18:23.03

That has helped me track things down more than once. I highly recommend it along with setting the screen buffer size to 9999 and width to 200 characters.

Oh to change that permanently across an entire system, right click on My Computer, then properties, and then go into the system properties (or advanced properties) and look for Environment Variables. This will vary by OS flavor. Then in Environment Variables create a new system variable called PROMPT and set the above value in it.


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One Response to “Do you use the command prompt?”

  1. Jorge says:


    prompt $D $T$_[%COMPUTERNAME%]$S$P$G

    which will give you:
    Fri 12/14/2007 18:41:29.92
    [RCLNT001] C:\>

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