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joeware… Is it Department of Defense (DOD) approved/authorized??

by @ 12:44 pm on 2/20/2008. Filed under tech

I have been pinged by someone in the US Army asking if the joeware utilities are DOD approved. I have no clue. I do know I get a lot of email from military and US Government folks about using the tools and how to do various things. I unfortunately though, don’t keep all of those emails as I get too much email so I am asking here… does anyone know if the utilities are DOD approved? If so, let me know so I can let this admin know. If not, he is going to try and get them approved I guess and could use email addresses for anyone using the tools currently so he can get everyone on a list to show how popular the tools are.

If you know or want to get involved to help this gentleman out, please email me. 🙂



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2 Responses to “joeware… Is it Department of Defense (DOD) approved/authorized??”

  1. Garrett says:

    I only have a cursory knowledge of this topic, but the process to get your code on to the DOD approved list of software would required a rigorous certification process, and active participation from yourself.

    While as a whole, you are not supposed to use non-DOD approved software on DOD networks. However it is possible that management within specific agencies could have signed off on the use of some of the tools for specific applications.

  2. Mike Kline says:

    You are right that your tools are used within DoD and usually by some of the more senior members of the staff. Technically to be allowed to use your tools the Designated Approving Authority (DAA) at the agency or department has to give his or her consent. That is spelled out in DoD 8500:

    Section 4.19 is the section that mentions freeware. It is mostly a CYA directive in my opinion. The software has no warranty so that is why the DAA sign off is needed.

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