How do you respond to someone who asks you “Will a WAN link being down affect a file copy going over it?”…
I mean you have the correct obvious technical response of “ummm YES!” but at this point, would that really help anything? Really???
Isn’t there a deeper more meaningful “life, the universe, and everything” type question that needs to be asked, answered, and responded to in this situation?
The response that immediately comes to my mind is “How exactly did you get to the point you are at now where you could ask that question in the first place? What schools, training, and series of managers failed you into the position you have found yourself?”.
I mean really… This is the basic point A and point B problem isn’t it? If point A is not connected to point B, it is going to be tough if not impossible to get between them. This isn’t just a computer thing, this is a life thing. If the bridge to cross the river is blown up while you are on it, is that going to affect you driving over it? Hmmm I don’t know, let me reach out and ask someone else…
so, how is that deep AD architectural and trouble shooting stuff treating you then eh?
ANSWER: no, the ants take over until the WAN link is operational again