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Outlook 2003 Junkmail Filter Broken… Again…

by @ 10:00 am on 6/1/2008. Filed under tech

So I uninstalled Microsoft Expressions Web 1 and installed Microsoft Expressions Web 2 on my main workstation (SFMFXP32) this weekend. Then a familiar problem popped up which kind of ticks me off as I bugged this with Microsoft quite some time before and I know people have been complaining about it since at least 2006. The Outlook 2003[1] Junkmail Filter stopped working.

Thankfully the same fix I found before worked again…

Go into control panel, add/remove programs, tick Show Updates, go down to Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003, click on Update for Outlook 2003: Junk E-Mail Filter (KBxxxxxx):OUTFLTR, Click on Remove.

Then go to Microsoft Update and click Custom and install the Outlook Junk Mail Filter Update. After the installation is done, restart Outlook. Junk Mail filter should be working again.



[1] Yes yes I haven’t upgraded to O2K7 on this machine yet. I planned on doing it when I upgrade it to Vista which also hasn’t happened as it will be a good amount of work. I do run Vista and O2K7 on my main laptop though.

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