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PowerShell + S.DS.Protocols Versus AdFind Redux… Sorta

by @ 10:24 pm on 6/18/2008. Filed under tech

So you will recall my previous post on AdFind and PowerShell using S.DS.Protocols…

If you read you will know that I realized some odd things occurred… I didn’t want to post back here until I had some more understanding of what is going on but now almost 2 weeks later I still haven’t a clue what is going on. I wanted to respond though. Admittedly the weather has been pretty nice here lately so I haven’t been playing computer geek as much as I did on the 9th when we had tornadoes whistling around the area (don’t worry, closest that got to me was about 3 miles away, so plenty of safety margin).

Basically the problem is that I have one PowerShell window that is performing like complete crap for the test script, and other Windows I open even though I seem to configure them similarly perform fine normally. I have been able to cause them to slow down a little by running the same commands over and over and watching it suck up silly amounts of memory but haven’t gotten it to slow down to the point the first window slows down. This really bothers me, I hate inconsistency. It throws all sorts of doubt on testing and what you have in front of you.

Interestingly running AdFind out of the two PowerShell windows results in identical performance, it is entirely within the realm of the PoS Scripts and .NET. But what? ~Eric suggested using some CLR profiler application but it apparently can’t profile something that is already running, you have to launch it with the profiler and unfortunately, my screwed up PoS window is already running.

Looking at the two Windows now, the PoS window that is “acting up” in which I just reran the test script to make sure it is still screwing up and that is all it has done in a couple of days is sitting there sucking up 140MB of RAM. The other PoS window is is using a “paltry”[1] 14MB[2].

When running in these “other” windows, the performance of PowerShell with the script is within 25% of AdFind. This is much closer to what I was expecting when I first tested it. The processor utilization of the “good” window is considerably less than what I saw with the “bad” window. Better actually than I expected out of PoS which is good. Network utilization is also much closer to AdFind which is what I expected; its the same data coming over the wire.

Again, I have no clue why that one PoS window is being troublesome, sorry. No answers here for you on that.

So anyway, oddness aside, I wanted to comment on each of the points from before.

1. Testing Methodology

I didn’t like Brandon’s testing methodology, I still don’t like what he initially did. He changed it and is now posting numbers with the new methodology. Very nice. 🙂

2. Testing Environment

Nothing new here.

3. Considerable performance hit on the machine running the tools…

This is related to the “bad” PoS window. Again, no clue what is happening here. The “good” PoS window has much better performance characteristics.

4. Network utilization

As mentioned above, this is now in line with AdFind as originally anticipated, again this was screwed before due to the bad window.

5. Umm there is a problem in the PoS Script…

This was all me, shortly afterward I realized while chatting with Dean about it that I used objectclass=* for AdFind and PoS was only doing an objectclass=user. I told Dean, I assume he passed that info on to Brandon.

6. The PoS doesn’t seem to fast in relation to AdFind…

Again, this is related to the bad window. The results are much closer now; within 25% in my limited tests.


While I have been off doing whatever, Brandon has continued forward in his tests, I highly recommend checking his blog out and reading about them. You can find it here – He actually has some stuff way cooler than the perf testing that he has posted about now which is the STATS control stuff. He has sample code on how to return that info which I highly applaud. I know he spent a good portion of the weekend working through it as I got a bunch of emails from him on the details etc of it. I helped with what I felt I could[4] and then he found some docs up on MSFT in the protocols descriptions that were recently posted for legal reasons that actually describe all the stuff I had to reverse back in 2004 – I didn’t look closely at the code, but note that there were some changes in the STATS handling around the 2003 SP1 time frame as I had several people hit me with bug reports and I had to change how I was handling some of the info. I think the issue was around the calltime stuff but it was back in 2005 and I honestly don’t recall the details at the moment.

Oh Brandon mentions on his blog how PoS started surpassing AdFind for most tests when he started doing CSV data and that I would explain why. I explained to Brandon (and Dean) prior to them even getting into the tests that I expected it to occur. I don’t care too much to get into it but the gist is that the CSV handling was a hack into the tool to try and get it in there (along with -soao and -oao switches) because so many people were asking for it and I previously wasn’t planning on doing it until I built the 2.0 version of the AdFind internal logic framework[5]. Anyway when I say hack, I mean total hack, I am passing whole AdFind formatted output strings for the entire object around internally like for example

>objectClass: top
>objectClass: joeware-ServerClass
>objectClass: domain
>objectClass: domainDNS
>description: Test.Loc
>distinguishedName: DC=test,DC=loc
>instanceType: 5
>whenCreated: 20060512031950.0Z
>whenChanged: 20080529025642.0Z
>subRefs: CN=Configuration,DC=test,DC=loc
>subRefs: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=test,DC=loc
>subRefs: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=test,DC=loc
>uSNCreated: 7254


and then reparsing them and reformatting into CSV format, etc. It seriously is a mess. The issue is lots of string passing between functions etc which means lots of string class instantiation going on which is dramatically slowing the AdFind down. When I was testing it back then I was seeing differences in speed between 20-60%, it was literally enough of a delta to see the difference in the output to the console. That almost prevented me from releasing the -csv/-soao/-oao switches at all. Then just bit the bullet because of my plans to rewrite the whole thing anyway. The ideas behind the new engine for AdFind will be to not do any of the formatting of the output until the very end and then it will go through a custom class that will figure out where that output is going – pipe, redirection, file, etc and output the info appropriately which should handle some of the various unicode issues people encounter at the command prompt[6].

In summary, the PoS stuff is running pretty well, when you don’t have a bad PoS Window. How you would detect that I don’t know, just have an idea on how fast your script should run I guess. For doing ad hoc DS stuff, would totally say this is fine, for constant running apps that use the directory, still won’t recommend .NET let alone PoS. PoS (and .NET) still has a lot of overhead (I had a window running some tests the other day that was eating 1.5GB and would have taken more but there was no more to take so it started throwing System.OutOfMemoryException errors…) and has been a wee bit unstable for me[7].

Possibly more later.

Oh one last thing, I tried to tweak one of Brandon’s scripts and obviously did it wrong, but it is fun to see how PoS handles it… I am currently at 1.25GB RAM being sucked up and 50%+ utilization on the PoS shell trying to run it…

$SearcherExpression = @’
$searcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]””,”(objectclass=user)”,@(“distinguishedName”))
$searcher.pagesize = 1000
Write-Host “Test 1”
Write-Host (“-“*40)
$myresults1 = “” | select @{n=”DirectorySearcher 1″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher 2″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher 3″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher 4″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher 5″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}}, 
                          @{n=”ADFind 1″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind 2″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind 3″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind 4″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind 5″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 1″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 2″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 3″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 4″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 5″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
$myresults1 | fl
Write-Host “Test 2”
Write-Host (“-“*40)
$myresults2 = “” | select @{n=”ADFind #1″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #2″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #3″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #4″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #5″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #1″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #2″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #3″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #4″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #5″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #1″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #2″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #3″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #4″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #5″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}}, 

$myresults2 | fl
Write-Host “Test 3”
Write-Host (“-“*40)
$myresults3 = “” | select @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #1″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #2″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #3″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #4″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DSP Using 1.1 #5″;e={(Measure-command { .\Test-DSProtocalsSP.ps1 }).TotalSeconds}}
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #1″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #2″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #3″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #4″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”DirectorySearcher #5″;e={(Measure-command {invoke-expression $SearcherExpression}).TotalSeconds}}, 
                          @{n=”ADFind #1″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #2″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #3″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #4″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},
                          @{n=”ADFind #5″;e={(Measure-Command { .\adfind -b “dc=test,dc=loc” -c -f “(objectclass=user)” }).TotalSeconds}},

$myresults3 | fl





[1] Said in a sarcastic tone…. 😉

[2] For comparison, the five command prompt windows I have had open since the mid-May and that I do practically everything I do on the computer including hundreds if not thousands[3] of AdFind/AdMod commands are using 5MB combined. The PowerShell window I just opened to see how much memory it used on launch has 27MB.

[3] I run test commands against my various test AD domains all throughout the day for work.

[4]  I wasn’t about to talk about what I reverse engineered because I didn’t want to get in trouble for that…

[5] Good thing I didn’t wait, I still haven’t finished that one. 😉

[6] Not positive but last I heard, console .NET apps have the same issues. You can test it by putting in an object in your directory with some characters with umlauts or other fun characters and then write a console app to display them at the console them redirect them then pipe them and then write them to a file and then make sure it is displayed properly each way. Unicode is a bit of a pain.

[7] In trying to do various things to make it slow down like the first window I caused PoS to crash several times which I can’t recall ever doing to a command prompt window. I can understand if a script blows or an app blows, but I don’t think it should take out the shell window in the process.

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “PowerShell + S.DS.Protocols Versus AdFind Redux… Sorta”

  1. “Oh one last thing, I tried to tweak one of Brandon’s scripts and obviously did it wrong, but it is fun to see how PoS handles it… I am currently at 1.25GB RAM being sucked up and 50%+ utilization on the PoS shell trying to run it… ”

    Unfortunately… it doesn’t seem like you did anything wrong here. This just the crap that is the DirectorySearcher and when you use Select-Object it creates a new-object so it keeping a TON-o-Crap in memory. Ironically… this is exactly what started my investigation into S.DS.P. I cannot not use DirectorySearcher in production cause it bombs (I have ~750k users.)

  2. Don says:

    Great post and followup.

    Glad to hear you missed the tornadoes. We had a decent amount of damage in Commerce Twp. and some friends and family were without power for 5 days.

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