Wow I went looking and actually found the SLIQ Major MUD scripts I talked about in the last post. Or at least I think I found most of them, even then I broke the stuff up into multiple files and modules.
I was poking around in one piece and found this section which was one of my favorite pieces as it always surprised the crap out of newbies who thought they could steal from me…
// Thief Routine
if instr(line,”bumps you”) then
dim pointer as integer
pointer = 1
if instr(line,”:”) then
if instr(line,”:”) > instr(line,”)”) then
end if
end if
thief = MyMid(line,pointer,instr(line,”bump”)-pointer-1)
fighting = TRUE
monster1 = thief
end if
Basically you had people who would figure out that someone was running a script and then send a thief in to rob them blind. Up until I wrote my script, the scripts were so simple the thieves could get away with it because the script wouldn’t attack back. I sat and watched my character get robbed one day and said, hmm that isn’t happening to me again. So I wrote this routine to attack the thief that tried to rob me. Another routine would then chase the thief if he started running. Definitely not the normal script handling. 🙂
I also had this cute little routine
// Character attacking Normal way
if instr(line,”moves to attack you”)>2 and instr(line,”attack young”) = 0 and instr(trueLine,”You”)=0 then
print “>>”+ line
if instr(line,other) then
send “Forgive ” + other
goto end_parse
end if
if instr(line,”:”) > instr(line,”)”) then
end if
if myInfo.pvp <> “” then
if instr(command1,myInfo.pvp) then
monster1 = myInfo.pvp
fighting = TRUE
goto end_parse
end if
end if
if (myInfo.log AND DEBUG) then print #1, time+” Under Attack>”+command1
if caution_level = 9 then call get_out
sayMessage(“Under Attack–>”+line)
end if
That would attack anyone who attacked me, but for bonus it would tell the other character that the first character was “tagged” to to also attack.
Here was a routine that would have one tagged character help another that dropped to the ground
// Somebody hit the ground, find out who and help.
if (instr(line,”drops to the ground”)) then
lstart=instr(line,”drops to the ground”)-1
if (myInfo.log AND DEBUG) then print #1, time+” Someone hit the ground ->”+command1
if instr(other,command1) then
send “aid “+command1
if fighting then Attack(” “)
if other <> “*none*” then send “!Oh That’s Got To Hurt!”
end if
end if
I love this stuff, so much fun. I am such a geek. 🙂