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by @ 4:39 am on 11/5/2008. Filed under general

Finally the election is over. Congratulations to both Obama and McCain for a hard fought race. I was sick of all of the crap months and months ago but they both fought hard for what they believed in. Now let’s move on and solve the problems in front of us together. I loved what John said… Obama was his former adversary but is now HIS president. Excellent statesmanship.

The next thing I want to hear stop is all of the “Barack is the first black/African American president”. I am already sick of it. He is the 44th president, no more, no less. Don’t encourage discrimination and segregation and polarize the country further. We have much worse issues than what color Barack’s skin is and discussions around that topic. Seriously. 🙂

Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “Finally…”

  1. JimW-Atl says:

    Well said!

    Obama is…. no no no, he IS an American. That’s it.

  2. Daniel says:

    It is a good day to be an American. You saw it in the people tears last night in Chicago. My horse did not get elected to represent his party, so I did not vote, because I don’t align myself with some things Obama says he wants. But he is a very intelligent man and will be a very good leader. He kept saying “for you”. Exactly what the President and all politicians are supposed to be about. You represent your people, not your personal interests. I have no problem with the President having religious faith, so long as he does not let that govern his decisions. This country, excluding me, spoke up last night and took its country back. I woke up today feeling very proud to be an American. When was the last time you said you were proud of that?

  3. Shannon says:

    Very true. Let’s not forget he’s bi-racial, does this count for something? NO, because he is equal regardless if he is part black, part white, blue, green, purple or if he is Mormon, Hindu, or Islamic. Enough.

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