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Monday Morning Quarterback

by @ 9:19 am on 2/3/2009. Filed under general

Random super bowl thoughts…

1. Boring Springsteen put on a poor half time show.

2. Not sure why he wouldn’t have closed with Born in the USA with red white and blue fireworks. Likely would have been huge right now.

3. Cardinals did not deserve to win.

4. Cardinals offense and defense both were explosive at times but mostly they were inconsistent.

5. The 100 yard dash was just hilarious to me. That poor guy was at the 50 yard line thinking, why hasn’t anyone tackled me yet, I have to keep running????

6. The penalties were just getting stupid. Especially the unnecessary roughness / unsportsmanlike conduct

7. This is the first super bowl I remember that I didn’t come away thinking, wow the commercials were amazing, most just made me sort of chuckle.

8. First super bowl that I remember, including the one that I actually attended in Pasadena back in the 90’s (I won the tickets) that I actually sort of tracked what happened in the game.

9. Again, the 100 yard dash was just hilarious to me.

10. Some Comcast customers in Arizona got some porn instead of part of the 4th quarter –

11. I am a Comcast customer and I noticed they were inserting in their own local commercials for themselves and companies I don’t think could ever afford a superbowl spot.

12. The bud light skiing commercial was pretty funny.

13. The bud Clydesdale fetch commercial was pretty funny.

14. A very funny super bowl commercial I didn’t get to see (I think local Comcast programming overwrite it), found it on a super bowl commercial web site was the e-Trade baby out takes commercial –

15. The Pedigree Dog commercial made me chuckle. This was the one with the random wild animals as pets instead of dogs.

16. The Bridgestone tire commercial with the guys hot-rodding around some moon somewhere and coming back to their car on blocks was pretty funny.

17. The insects stealing the Coca Cola was probably the only one that got close to the normal quality of super bowl commercials for me.

18. The Audi car chase through the decades was probably the next best in terms of quality. I was impressed with how they showed each decade with the appropriate filming quality and style.

19. The Pepsi “I’m Good” commercial made me chuckle.

20. The bud light meeting made me chuckle slightly.

21. The bud Clydesdale lover boy horse commercial was pretty good.

22. The bud Clydesdale immigrant commercial had me talking in a poor Scottish brogue for a bit…

23. This is probably my favorite commercial of the night because I was laughing all the way through it, Career Builder If you hate going to work –

Rating 3.00 out of 5

One Response to “Monday Morning Quarterback”

  1. Mike Kline says:

    I’m with you I did like the animal commercials too. I also liked the Doritos commercials.

    Still trying to figure out the GI Joe movie, are they are protecting France?

    Look for the Redskins to win it all next year 🙂

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