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Why is my Windows OS not seeing all 4GB of RAM…

by @ 6:22 am on 2/11/2009. Filed under general

This is a pretty common question folks ask about on the internet. They bought a new machine with 4GB of RAM and Windows is only telling them it has some lesser amount between 3GB – 4GB available so they think their machines are broken or that Windows is broken.

Here is an excellent article discussing this topic

Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Why is my Windows OS not seeing all 4GB of RAM…”

  1. Austin Osuide says:

    Hey joe,
    Think traffic from your plug might have broken the site!!
    Site is now unavialable!!

  2. Austin Osuide says:

    Mustav been a glitch..
    Sites back now! 🙂

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