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AdFind V01.40.00 Released

by @ 4:53 am on 2/13/2009. Filed under updates

AdFind V01.40.00 has emerged from the cocoon… The Butterfly Release is now available. 🙂

After I released V01.39.00 I intended to go work on AdMod and get that updated and released, however I started hearing reports of typos and other comments on the functionality in AdFind V01.39.00. So I decided to work on AdFind a little more. As mentioned previously I am glad I did because while poking around in the source I figured out how to get adfind piping to adfind working which is a big win. 🙂

You can get AdFind V01.40.00 here —>

You can get the new usage screens by typing adfind /? or looking here —>


Fixes for V01.40.00

o Added multi-DN piping capability (AdFind will read DNs from STDIN)

o The -alldc+ switch I added to V01.39.00 wasn’t enabled for use. I have enabled it now in V01.40.00

o Fixed typos in usage

o Added Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7) Decodes

o Added –csvqesc to specify the character use to escape quotes inside of CSV fields. Default is \

o Documented –extsrvinfo, I added this in V01.39.00 but forgot to add it to the usage.

o Added –srvctls which allows you to specify arbitrary server controls

o Added –showdelobjlinks for Windows Server  2008 R2

o Added –showrecycled for Windows Server  2008 R2

o Added -showdel+ for Windows Server  2008 R2

o Added –tdcdshort which gives a secondary shorter format for –tdcd like (xxxd:xxh:xxm:xxs)

o Added –ic (intermediate count for multi-DN piping)

o Added –ictsv (intermediate count with TSV output for multi-DN piping)

o Added –db (display base for multi-DN piping)

o Added –stdinsort to sort multi-DN piping

o Added –subset to output a subset of the returned objects (every second, every tenth, etc)

o Added default environment variable and environment file reading

o Added shortcut –sc ou:xx to find OU’s

o Added shortcut –sc trustdmp to output trusts in a domain

Rating 3.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “AdFind V01.40.00 Released”

  1. Scotte says:

    Thanks for adding the -subset switch. I’ve been having fun playing with it 🙂

    I have no need to have X greater than 1000, but it looks like it fails with any values higher than that. Is that related to the paging size?

  2. Sebastian says:

    Hi Joe,

    sorry for asking this question here.. it’s just a quick way for ppl reading your blog regulary.

    I was just askin myself if there is a way to tell the adfind environment variables to set -soao as output option to use with the -e switch?

    I love having -soao as default output sorting and thought I could probably make it more easy for me to use the variables.. Maybe you got some hint for me?

    Thanks for your great tools!

    • joe says:

      Yep set the following environment variable “joeware-default-adfind-soao” to {~}

      If you want to do that right in the command prompt, use

      set joeware-default-adfind-soao={~}

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