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Happy St. Patrick’s Day – Check/Replace/Buy Carbon Monoxide Detectors!

by @ 8:02 am on 3/17/2009. Filed under general

Its St. Patrick’s day and you know what that means… Buy and deploy a Carbon Monoxide Sensor Day or change the batteries in your existing CO Detector.

Many, if not all of you will recall, last year I was poisoned by Carbon Monoxide. I am doing well now. I am strongly of the opinion that this did impact my overall health as this last year I have been sick more times than I have been since I was a little kid. Obviously it could be that I am getting older but I don’t think it is because I am in worse shape because I am in better shape than I have been in for years. Physically active, not drinking hardly any soda, eating overall better, attending running events (albeit as a spectator LOL) etc etc ad nauseum.

I have to say I am extremely pleased with the number of people I have heard from who have deployed Carbon Monoxide detectors since I started talking about the issues I encountered. I heard lots of stories of people who were in a similar position that I was with CO detectors that were 5, 7, 10, 12 years old and never knew they went bad as they would do the alarm tests just fine. The fact that you usually don’t or won’t know when a CO detector has gone bad is why I will buy a new one every year and put it in my house. The idea being that there will always be at least one detector in the house that absolutely should be working since it will be less than a year old.

Recently I heard of two issues with CO, one was a family that had installed a fireplace or something incorrectly back near the town I grew up in. The other was my own brother in law who was being poisoned by it at work. It put a few of his coworkers in the hospital I guess.

Carbon Monoxide is serious stuff. Take it very seriously. Its one of those things that once it starts getting you, you are less and less likely to do anything about it until you are dead. And then you totally won’t do anything about it…

Rating 3.00 out of 5

4 Responses to “Happy St. Patrick’s Day – Check/Replace/Buy Carbon Monoxide Detectors!”

  1. Tomek says:

    I had sad experience this year where malfunction of heating system in a truck leaded to death of my fiance father because of Carbon Monoxide poison. So this is really important thing to remind about it to everyone who can be exposed to this.
    I’ve forwarder your posts from previous year to all my friends who are living in houses.

  2. Mike Kline says:

    Interesting idea about getting one ever year. The one I got last year had a 5 year expiration; but it was only $25 so that is a small price to pay for that piece of mind. I have multiple smoke alarms so I like your idea of multiple CO detectors.

    I gave up Coke and Pepsi in September. It was very hard at first but now 6 months later I’m definitely much better off for it.

    Other than quitting smoking after I left the Army it has been the best health decision I’ve made.

  3. John says:

    Hmmm, many many moons ago (? ??? ?????) I had that issue with the old Yontol heating system. It sucks.


  4. John says:

    Double hmmm. Looks like you don’t support East Asian utf8 character sets; You should you know…
    (I, and half the world’s population, hate it when that happens).


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