joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Blog SPAM has gone down??? huh?

by @ 12:10 pm on 10/22/2009. Filed under tech

After updating my blog software I thought I would go through and look over some of the settings, etc to see if there was anything new to turn on to tighten up security, etc etc ad nauseum whatever…

I went to the Akismet SPAM stats and was pleasantly shocked to note that SPAM substantially dropped as of August. It makes me wonder if one of the WordPress updates I applied back in the Aug/Sept time frame closed up some security holes that spammers were using. For September I was in the triple digit SPAM load range, that is fantastic. So far this month I am double digit. Of course I guess it could mean that the SPAMmers don’t feel I am important enough to SPAM anymore… Or better that my readers are too smart to be duped by the SPAM. 🙂





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