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ExchMbx and “No Mail Enable function for this object type”

by @ 7:09 pm on 10/29/2009. Filed under tech

I usually get 3-4 emails a month with this problem… Hey joe, where you going with that gun in your hand… err no… Hey joe, how come I get this error when running against such and such an object or user or whatever??

The reason I have found about 97 times out of 100 is that the person doesn’t have the Exchange 2000/2003 toolset loaded on the machine that they are running the command from. This tool absolutely requires the CDOEXM stuff that is in that toolset. You don’t have it loaded, it isn’t going to work. I was going to make a version that didn’t need it but the Exchange people seemed to be adverse to anyone touching AD except them and made sure there were things you couldn’t do in the directory and had to use the tools for so you had no choice.

Of the remaining three, two of the emails will be due to someone trying to mail enable something that can’t be mail enabled… Like an OU for example.

The last of the emails will be something that I have no clue is wrong but when the people move to a different machine or reload the Exchange “stuff” it all magically starts working again.



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