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If you want free joeware freeware software support for life…

by @ 11:26 pm on 11/3/2009. Filed under general

Buy this car for me…




It brings tears to my eyes… I don’t have the money for gas for it… but I would just park it in the garage and gaze at it. 🙂



Rating 3.00 out of 5

6 Responses to “If you want free joeware freeware software support for life…”

  1. Don’t most software companies call gas “maintenance”? Or the politically correct term, “software assurance”? 😉

    That picture looks like something out of Need for Speed or Burnout Revenge though.

  2. Bwandon says:

    Even Powershell support 🙂

  3. joe says:

    That car will get a wreckless driving speed ticket sitting in a parking lot…

    Bwandon: There are no joeware freeware solutions in powershell to support. If you mean, supporting joeware tools when run from a powershell shell… Someone buys me that car, sure. In fact I just had a weird issue the other day someone contacted me about because they couldn’t use changepw to change the password to something with a $ in it. Powershell was messing with the command that was typed.

  4. Troy says:

    I think they summed it up well with the last paragraph

    “Price? About 12 times what your kidney would fetch on the open market”

  5. Mike Kline says:

    When Microsoft buys joeware out then you can pay cash for it 🙂

  6. Jacob says:

    That car is amazing…. If I had the 1.6mil to spare I would own one just to gaze at

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