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Final (I think) AdFind/AdMod beta

by @ 6:45 am on 1/27/2010. Filed under tech

I have posted what I expect to be the final AdFind and AdMod beta before final release.


I am shooting for a mid-February release.


In the last 10 days most of the updates are in AdFind. Lots of misc shortcut bug fixes. Added some additional attribute decodes. One big item is that I added digest authentication for both utilities (-digest) as that has been missing.



Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “Final (I think) AdFind/AdMod beta”

  1. Marc says:

    Same player shoots again 😉

    There’s a problem in adfind.exe where the expert help is even shorted than the basic help.


  2. joe says:

    Excellent thanks, a misplaced ;…

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