joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Need feedback from AdFind users…

by @ 8:35 pm on 4/20/2010. Filed under tech

So in a recent blog post I recounted my experience when looking into some lockout parameters ( One of the things that bothered me a little was that the value -9223372036854775808 decodes as “undefined” and always has. I am thinking now that I want to change that to something like “undefined/never/forever” which better describes the value.

For example:

[Tue 04/20/2010 20:18:47.41]
F:\Dev\Current\CPP\AdFind>adfind -default -s base forcelogoff -samdc

AdFind V01.41.00cpp Joe Richards ( February 2010

Using server: K8R2Dom-DC01.K8R2Dom.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2
Base DN: DC=K8R2Dom,DC=loc

>forceLogoff: -9223372036854775808 [undefined]

1 Objects returned

[Tue 04/20/2010 20:19:07.23]
F:\Dev\Current\CPP\AdFind\Debug>adfind -default -s base forcelogoff -samdc

AdFind V01.42.00cpp ***BETA*** Joe Richards ( April 2010

Using server: K8R2Dom-DC01.K8R2Dom.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2
Base DN: DC=K8R2Dom,DC=loc

>forceLogoff: -9223372036854775808 [undefined/never/forever]

1 Objects returned

My main concern to NOT do this is for people who have scripts that depend on this value. So along those lines I went with undefined as the first part of the string so that the old string is still there. Yes, you still have to change scripts but hopefully the change wouldn’t be as difficult. For example if changing a perl script with a regex…




Note the very simple basic change, addition of .+ which sucks in the /never/forever part of the string.


Thoughts? Will this change seriously break anyone?



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