joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Tool Update : lg.exe updated.

by @ 4:11 pm on 4/26/2010. Filed under tech, updates

I have uploaded a new version of lg.exe to the free tools section of the website.

The updates include:

  • fixed some typos in the usage screen
  • Compiled with CodeGear C++ Builder 2009 which significantly reduced file size and increased execution speed
  • Added the –SIDSOUT switch which outputs SIDS instead of friendly security principal names

Why the –sidsout switch you ask? Because I have wanted it for some time. Say you migrated some users from Domain1 to Domain2 and maintained their SID in SIDHistory. Then you move the servers over and the servers are using the SIDs from Domain1. Eventually you will want to get rid of the SIDHistory values so in order to do that you have to clean up the old SID references. So now with LG, you can dump the SIDs of all of the security principals in all of the local groups on the members and see if the old domain SID is present in any of the SIDs and if so, clean it up.

I will be releasing a new version of AdFind and AdMod any day now. Just have to take the time up to update the web pages, etc.



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