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Tool Update: AdFind updated! V01.42.00

by @ 5:18 pm on 4/26/2010. Filed under tech, updates

I moved a little faster than I expected, the new version of AdFind, V01.42.00, is now up on the website.

If you are one of the few people who received a beta copy of V01.42.00 you will want to update ASAP as the beta version will expire on May 1.


  • Fixed port bug in -rootdseanon
  • Fixed -adcsv header bug
  • Fixed bug in schema OID retrieval
  • Added -decint, -metafilter,-metafilterattr,-metafilterval, -statsonlynodata,-stats+onlynodata,-ameta,-vmeta switches
  • Added more fields for stats output for 2008+
  • Changed the decode of -9223372036854775808
  • Added -sc dompol shortcut


    Rating 4.00 out of 5

    One Response to “Tool Update: AdFind updated! V01.42.00”

    1. Mike Kline says:

      Thanks as usual for giving us the great tools and updating them Joe!! There are so many switches in adfind now, it is impossible to remember them all…luckily you have a great help file 🙂



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