joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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.NET… Love your idiosyncracies… not

by @ 2:50 pm on 6/28/2010. Filed under tech

So I am forced to write some more .NET code, worse, some Windows Forms stuff. Couldn’t put me further away from my happy zone. I do have to say that Borland err, CodeGear Builder C++ still blows VS away for simple generation of GUI. If only CodeGear did x64…


So two things that I have found I am unhappy about in just the last hour.

  1. RefreshCache() doesn’t appear to work for the LDAP provider in DirectoryEntry. WTF.
  2. CTRL-A isn’t captured and used for SELECT ALL by default in a TextBox. I actually had to code a workaround for it with the following C# Code:
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
  // CTRL_A Select All not handled by default
  if (Convert.ToInt(e.KeyChar) == 1) textBox1.SelectAll();
Rating 3.00 out of 5

2 Responses to “.NET… Love your idiosyncracies… not”

  1. Mark Woan says:

    Might be worth changing the text box to a richtextbox, which I believe doesn’t not suffer with that issue, plus it doesn’t have size limitations.

  2. Don says:

    It could be worse, you could have been forced to write something in Powershell.

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