joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

AdFind V01.45.00 and AdMod V01.16.00

by @ 8:39 pm on 3/22/2011. Filed under tech, updates

So I slipped a new version of AdFind and AdMod out to the web site in the last week, AdFind on the Ides of March and AdMod today. They were both minor updates though the AdMod update allows me to do something with clearing protected DACLs that I will try to write up in a near term blog entry. Someone emailed me a question on how to do something with clearing the protected DACLs in an OU and I thought I had a good answer but really didn’t and it bothered me. I took a shower and while in the shower I realized that four simple lines of code could be added to AdMod and I WOULD have a good answer. Now I have a good answer. Winking smile


You can get the tools in the same place as always…

AdFind V01.45.00

AdMod V01.16.00



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