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Well that sounds fair… Well not really.

by @ 8:56 pm on 3/1/2012. Filed under tech

So I am looking through email and I find this

We have never met but today I became aware of two of your utilities; ADFind and ADMod.  I think they might be able to save my job but I desperately need help please.  I simply am not technical enough to understand the switches. I’ve been at it now for just under seven and a half hours.  The users have all gone home as there was nothing they could do.  My name is mud. If you can help I will make a £10 donation to your favourite charity.

This person then says

I have found the following, which I can’t make work at all. From the screen grabs below is it possible to work out the correct syntax please?

where the following is a cut and paste from which is straight from The Princess followed by screen images from ADUC showing the OU in place and then missing… But no info on what commands were actually tried and the results which means I truly have no idea what is going on since he already spent 7.5 hours on it and those instructions are the normal Jorge detailed quality so I would expect someone could follow them ok meaning there could be something else wrong.

Anyway I responded with “What exactly did you try and what did it do?

Unfortunately for me that was the 4th email in a row in the set of emails sent to me the last day or so that all basically said, “I need your help, I don’t know how to make your tools work, tell me how to make them work.”, without giving any detail on what the admins have actually done and what the failures were. As I have mentioned before on several occasions I am seeing more and more of this. Great job hiring managers and headhunters, you are doing your companies/customers a great service… In the meanwhile, I need to research how you have to submit $500 USD in order to send me an email.



Rating 4.33 out of 5

One Response to “Well that sounds fair… Well not really.”

  1. Hunter says:

    I tried to send you email, but submitting $500 didn’t work. Can you help?

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