joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Seriously People…

by @ 7:26 am on 3/2/2012. Filed under tech

If you send me an email asking for help saying that one of my utilities doesn’t work or you can’t get it to work, you need to specify in the body of the email what commands you actually tried. Period. End of Story. No more, "It doesn’t work, what do I type to get it to work?" or "I want to do x and y or possibly z, how do I do that? What do I type?"

In fact, how about even putting in a little command line text snippet, no I don’t mean use the snipping tool or some other GUI screen capture tool, I mean copy and paste the text from the command prompt… What is the difference you ask? Well first off, you probably shouldn’t be admin’ing machines if you asked that but here it is…

This is a screen capture:



This is a text snippet of the same thing:

[Thu 03/01/2012 22:01:43.35]
F:\Dev\cpp\_old\OLD>adfind\release\adfind -e -default -f name="DFSR-LocalSettings" -flagdc

AdFind V01.46.00cpp Joe Richards ( March 2012

Using server: WIN8DOM2-DC1.win8dom2.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 8
Base DN: DC=win8dom2,DC=loc

dn:CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=WIN8DOM2-DC1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=win8dom2,DC=loc
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: msDFSR-LocalSettings
>cn: DFSR-LocalSettings
>distinguishedName: CN=DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=WIN8DOM2-DC1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=win8dom2,DC=loc
>instanceType: 4 [WRITABLE(4)]
>whenCreated: 20120301023009.0Z
>whenChanged: 20120301023513.0Z
>uSNCreated: 12479
>uSNChanged: 12489
>showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE
>name: DFSR-LocalSettings
>objectGUID: {EC3F04A1-A11A-413C-9425-C91A7701E0DE}
>objectCategory: CN=ms-DFSR-LocalSettings,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=win8dom2,DC=loc
>dSCorePropagationData: 20120301023009.0Z
>dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z

1 Objects returned


Why? Because I said so. And also because sometimes the screen captures don’t come through properly, always I don’t want to have fully retype the command because there could possibly be something going on with the specific characters that I won’t catch that you do because of Unicode, always the image is bigger than the text in sheer size.



Rating 4.50 out of 5

One Response to “Seriously People…”

  1. Glassboy says:

    Dear Joe, can you please do my job for me so I can go shopping. TIA.

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