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Website that teaches you to write code… for free

by @ 8:57 am on 11/1/2013. Filed under tech

It is focused on web site code but free is free!

  • jQuery
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • API coding of things like YouTube, Twitter, SkyDrive, any many more….

Edit: Fixed URL

Rating 4.00 out of 5

3 Responses to “Website that teaches you to write code… for free”

  1. Angus S-F says:

    Did you mean Codecademy (you typed

  2. Joseph says:

    Hi Joe,

    Quick question, you probably can tell someone (me) who has no programming experience, what’s the best programming language i can start learning to become a good scripter, I really want to learn to create scripts in different languages (VB,C#,Python,etc..) but also i really like AD and I want to focus all my efforts on learning things that I can later apply to AD, so what do you think ?

    I would really appreciate your response 🙂


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