joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Love OneNote but…

by @ 8:10 am on 4/26/2014. Filed under general

…was testing OneNote on a Motorola Droid Ultra by looking at a shopping list I maintain in OneNote (think about it… great use) and while walking around with the phone in my hand and not knowingly touching the display I somehow someway deleted a bunch of the shopping list and when I got back to looking at the phone saw that the info was gone. So I looked for an undo… No undo… Microsoft… Seriously? No Undo on the Droid version? So I look at the iPhone and alas the info was already synced "to the cloud"… And no Undo on the IOS version either…

Once I got home I was able to open OneNote 2013 and revert to a previous page but thanks to OneNote I didn’t have the fresh garlic I needed but had forgotten about, which is why it was on my shopping list….

Microsoft fix OneNote. No Undo and it syncing a massive delete to the cloud without confirmation is stupid.


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