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From the mailbag… I want to see the information going through the pipeline from one command to the next…

by @ 1:49 pm on 4/22/2017. Filed under general, tech


Hi, Joe,

I’ve been using these 2 excellent utilities to manage users both in our AD domain and our legacy Novell eDirectory tree.

Recently I needed to move disabled accounts without our ‘KEEP’ flag set into a Leavers OU and came up with the 2 commands below:

adfind -h novserver -ssl -sslignoresrvcert -simple -b o=merpol -f "(&(objectclass=user)(!(generationqualifier=KEEP))(logindisabled=TRUE))" cn fullname -u cn=ldapuser,o=isdept -up password -adcsv > c:\tmp\move2leavers.csv

admod -h novserver -ssl -simple -move o=leavers -u cn=ldapuser,o=isdept -up password < c:\tmp\move2leavers.csv

I managed to do all this in 1 command by piping the output of the adfind command with the –adcsv switch into the admod command but I wanted to record the accounts moved so that I could add them to a cumulative log – hence the intermediate move2leavers.csv file. Was this the best way of achieving this or could I have used the one-liner and somehow recorded the accounts going through the pipeline?


Hi Frank,

Sorry for slow response. I was working for Hewlett Packard Enterprise last year and working way too much. I left them and have a normal job now so I am slowly catching up on joeware email and updating tools.

So anyway, there is nothing builtin that will do what you want here. AdMod does have a -log switch but that is for my debugging mostly. However, that being said, you can use a command line tool called TEE which you would insert in the pipeline and it could output the pipeline to a file while simultaneously shipping it to the next binary in the pipeline.

You can actually do this with a quick perl script as well. See attached 7zip file, you will have to rename it to .7z. I made a really quick and dirty perl script that can do it.

[Sat 04/22/2017 13:29:25.87]
E:\DEV\perl\tee>adfind -h k16tst.test.loc -f name=norm* -dsq | output.txt | admod -h k16tst.test.loc description::"normal user"

AdMod V01.18.00cpp Joe Richards ( March 2012

DN Count: 3
Using server: K16TST-DC2.k16tst.test.loc:389
Directory: Windows Server 2008 R2

Modifying specified objects…
   DN: CN=Norm User 3,OU=Users,OU=TestOU,DC=k16tst,DC=test,DC=loc…
   DN: CN=Norm User1,OU=Users,OU=TestOU,DC=k16tst,DC=test,DC=loc…
   DN: CN=Norm User2,OU=Users,OU=TestOU,DC=k16tst,DC=test,DC=loc…

The command completed successfully

[Sat 04/22/2017 13:34:22.66]
E:\DEV\perl\tee>type output.txt
"CN=Norm User 3,OU=Users,OU=TestOU,DC=k16tst,DC=test,DC=loc"
"CN=Norm User1,OU=Users,OU=TestOU,DC=k16tst,DC=test,DC=loc"
"CN=Norm User2,OU=Users,OU=TestOU,DC=k16tst,DC=test,DC=loc"

[Sat 04/22/2017 13:34:26.07]

If you don’t like compressed files, here is the code in clear text

my $filename=shift;

open OFH,">$filename" or die("ERROR: Couldn’t open filename – $filename: $!\n");

while (<stdin>)
  print OFH $_;
  print $_;
close OFH;

Cheers and again sorry for the slow response.


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