joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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AdFind V01.50.00 Released

by @ 9:49 pm on 5/4/2017. Tags:
Filed under general, tech, updates

May the Fourth be with you. Smile 

I have uploaded the release version of AdFind V01.50.00 to the web site. You can find it at:

I have mentioned previously some of the updates, the big change was to change from using the Code Gear (Embarcadero previously Borland) Builder C++ to Visual Studio 2015 and then to Visual Studio 2017. That conversion alone results in a 20%+ improvement in performance.

I have to eat some dinner so I will try to write some more blog entries later on about some of the new features. Mostly at this point you all know what the tool does and this just does it a little more better before.


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