joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for November, 2018

Logging in Applications (Particularly LDAP Applications…)

by @ Monday, November 26th, 2018. Filed under tech

While working on some posts about writing code for leveraging Active Directory I realized that a very weak point I have run into with many (perhaps most) apps is the logging, particularly for use in troubleshooting and/or debugging of issues. I don’t care how good of a coder you are (or think you are), your […]

Coming Attractions: How to Find Domain Controllers for Fun and Profit (and your various LDAP operations…)

by @ Sunday, November 25th, 2018. Filed under tech

I previously wrote that many applications that are using Active Directory aren’t meeting even the lowest bar for proper Active Directory integration. That lowest bar being the ability to properly find an Active Directory domain controller to use for LDAP operations. This is something that regularly plagues me and it is ridiculous that it is […]

Yes yes I know I know…

by @ Sunday, November 25th, 2018. Filed under general

A while back I said, hey got a new job, will be spending more time posting stuff and learning news things and sharing that new learning. It started going in that direction but then my time started getting eaten up more and more with work and issues with people, issues with tech, issues with direction, […]

If you are looking for any custom artwork for the holidays or otherwise…

by @ Thursday, November 8th, 2018. Filed under general

The pictures do not do this justice. In person it looks 3D and made me gasp when I took it out of the box. My sister the official artist as in she makes art day in and day out painted it. She is amazing and can turn any picture or multiple pictures into just about […]

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