0. This does not follow the previously mentioned high level steps, this method is “I hand my problem over to Microsoft to figure out on my behalf”.
1. Call ldap_sslinit specifying domain name or forest name (for Global Catalog)
a. LDAP port
i. LDAP* pLdap=ldap_sslinit(L"domain.forestroot.com", LDAP_PORT, false);
b. LDAPS (SSL) port
i. LDAP* pLdap=ldap_sslinit(L"domain.forestroot.com", LDAP_SSL_PORT, true);
c. Global Catalog port
i. LDAP* pLdap=ldap_sslinit(L"forestroot..com", LDAP_GC_PORT, false);
d. Global Catalog SSL port
i. LDAP* pLdap=ldap_sslinit(L"forestroot..com", LDAP_SSL_GC_PORT, true);
2. That was Easy™