joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for January, 2020


by @ Wednesday, January 15th, 2020. Filed under tech

While Microsoft put a weak “important’ rating on CVE-2020-0601 the NSA (yes that NSA) has called it critical and severe. And since they found it, I am going to lay my bets with them. Microsoft’s bulletin says it is code signing issues, NSA and others in the social media circles says it is much deeper. […]

AdFind V01.52.00… Part Deux…

by @ Monday, January 13th, 2020. Filed under tech, updates

So try two… When I updated the web pages last night, I apparently updated a page that didn’t have the newer download mechanism in it so ended up breaking the download for AdFind. So you have gotten to experience a nice unhappy face page instead when trying to download. That was corrected a few hours […]

AdFind V01.52.00 released

by @ Sunday, January 12th, 2020. Filed under tech, updates

The latest version of AdFind, V01.52.00, is now released. You can find it at If the website shows V01.51.00 then use CTRL-F5 to update your local browser cache.   File information [Sat 01/11/2020 21:17:29.63]+ E:\DEV\cpp\vs\AdFind\Release>filever adfind.exe —– W32i   APP ENU shp  1,619,968 01-11-2020 adfind.exe [Sat 01/11/2020 21:17:40.58]+ E:\DEV\cpp\vs\AdFind\Release>adfind -appver AdFind V01.52.00cpp Joe Richards […]

AdFind V01.52.00… It is almost time…

by @ Sunday, January 5th, 2020. Tags:
Filed under tech, updates

I have stripped out the debugdebugs and the expiration code as I am thinking at the moment that this will be the last build of V01.52.00 barring any bug reports that are serious enough to deal with… I will use it at work for a week and see if there are any issues and if […]


by @ Saturday, January 4th, 2020. Filed under general

Looks like wordpress updated something… Everything has gone cuckoo! Edit: For some reason the color schemes and some of the displayed stuff is different for a logged in user versus a guest. Trying to sort it out. 🙂 Edit2: This should be all sorted out now, if things look weird, comment here. Rating 4.33 out […]

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