So I was alerted that Chrome is blocking downloads of AdFind but then also heard it is other tools as well. I am digging into it to see what can be done, I registered the site with google and told it to give me a security report and it showed me:
I responded with
Note you can work around the restriction on Chrome by turning off some of the security but I hate to recommend doing that because a lot of people really need that help. I have not spent any real time trying to sort out how to bypass Brave.
Of course Windows Defender is also having a shit fit because of AdFind because again, the AV companies, including Microsoft are stupid about actual security in the real world. If they want to point out some shit that is dangerous to companies they should be pointing at PowerShell. There is a hell of a lot more damage being done with PowerShell than AdFind since the amount of damaged caused by AdFind is ZERO because it can’t change anything in Active Directory. If AdFind is suitable for banning, so is every other LDAP client.
Anyway, we will see if this gets sorted out. If not I will see if there is anything else I care to do to work around all of this stupid in the world of Cyber Security. This stuff makes me embarrassed for the whole Security industry and its inability to do security properly.
Google got back to me with the following:
Review successful for
To: Webmaster of,
Google has received and processed your security review request. Google systems indicate that no longer contains links to harmful sites or downloads. The warnings visible to users are being removed from your site. This may take a few hours to happen.
We will see how long it takes for Chrome to sort it out. If I don’t see it working properly over the next few days I will reach out to Google again.
And now Google dashboard is showing the site has an issue again, resubmitting for them to review again.
After google cleared me, they locked me down again, they cleared me again, and now they locked me down again. I have requested that they clear the site again.
Ok, google says it is clear again, let’s see if Chrome starts working properly again. Note the same as each of the other times, I changed nothing for Google to clear me.
To: Webmaster of,
Google has received and processed your security review request. Google systems indicate that no longer contains links to harmful sites or downloads. The warnings visible to users are being removed from your site. This may take a few hours to happen.