joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Final compiles for AdFind V01.61.00 and AdMod V01.28.00 and…

by @ 5:45 pm on 10/8/2023. Filed under general

I just performed the final compiles and final commits for AdFind V01.61.00, AdMod V01.28.00, and joe’s private LDAP query tool because MSFT has their head up their ass in going after AdFind and I need a tool around that doesn’t just disappear when they decide to take it because they know better than anyone else what should be allowed on Windows machines and casually ignore that AdFind has never caused any damage and that PowerShell is used regularly to harm companies. This tells you the level of intelligence going on in the MSFT Antimalware/Antivirus space. They could be redefining how Antimalware and Antivirus are handled but clearly have no one smart enough to do it. If they ran the rest of the world there would be no pressure cookers, cars, bats, knives, guns, sticks, or rocks.

I should have the new versions of AdFind and AdMod up on the website in the next 1-7 days I expect.


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