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Coming Attractions: How to Find Domain Controllers for Fun and Profit (and your various LDAP operations…)

by @ 11:10 pm on 11/25/2018. Filed under tech

I previously wrote that many applications that are using Active Directory aren’t meeting even the lowest bar for proper Active Directory integration. That lowest bar being the ability to properly find an Active Directory domain controller to use for LDAP operations. This is something that regularly plagues me and it is ridiculous that it is still a problem.

If someone can’t properly find a domain controller is it realistic to expect them to get anything else related to Active Directory truly right? Finding a domain controller is literally step one in "How to query AD with LDAP". If a developer is already bored with and doesn’t properly develop step one there isn’t much hope, IMO, for anything that follows. If a company purposely makes the decision to not find domain controllers properly and still claim “Active Directory Integrated” I would (and do when I find them) consider the company untrustworthy for at least anything related to Active Directory and I look at everything else with a jaundiced eye as well.

So what do they do instead of properly locating domain controllers? *A lot* of vendors and *a lot* of developers simply write the code to specify an IP address or an FQDN of a host or an FQDN of the domain name in the configuration and then they hope for the best. They may add "load balancing" or "redundancy" by adding additional IP addresses or FQDNs or possibly not… Usually not. This truly isn’t acceptable for finding Active Directory domain controllers unless you want an application that is susceptible to (read: guaranteed to have) outages. These same vendors and developers (or the customer application folks that depend on the applications) get mad when their apps fail because of these bad decisions and then they often want to blame the AD folks. Further they go on to say it is up to the AD Admins to find a solution and fix the developers’ and vendors’ inability to write their applications properly. Seriously… They come at the AD admins saying they should put their domain controllers behind virtual IPs / load balancers, etc. The answer should be “No, do your job properly and go fix your poorly written application and/or make sure you know what the product you are buying is actually capable of and only reward companies that do things properly.” You will thank me in the end when you DON’T have to keep crutching their failures.

I would really like to more specifically define the term "a lot" as it is an inadequate description but I simply cannot do it. It stands in for some number that cannot be known but I can state unequivocally that industrywide it is massive and it includes apps written in the back rooms of companies for their internal use as well as in the coding pits of some very large, very well-known software vendors that you would expect, yes expect but cannot guarantee, to know better who are showing their disrespect for you by making you pay for their poorly/incorrectly written product. The sales guys will tell you "Yes our application is compatible with AD" yet by that they just simply mean that it can perform basic LDAP operations and they know that Active Directory can speak LDAP.

There is no reason NOT to do this initial step properly other than vendors expecting customers will pay for what they build no matter how poorly it works. Active Directory is old enough to vote and is not the only LDAP Directory that has similar DNS SRV record based intelligent service location capabilities available based on RFC 2782. If you are a developer and have been writing LDAP code PRIOR to the year 2000 then perhaps you have an excuse not to do this correctly but… no, I’m lying, you have no excuse at this point. You are lazy and are content with half-ass code if you don’t think it should be done properly especially now nearly 20 years later.

What will follow on the blog are a series of posts that describe in detail various aspects of the DC Locator process (and other AD dev related things) that applications can leverage to properly find domain controllers and be properly redundant. There will be a post on the generic high level process, a post on pure Windows doing it “The Easy Way”™, a post on pure Windows doing it a little more long and draw out, and a post for generic mechanisms that will work on any OS (including Windows) that has DNS resolver lookup and LDAP client network functionality.

Stay tuned…


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