joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

joeware isn’t malware. Google says so.

by @ 11:30 pm on 4/5/2023. Filed under general


Rating 4.60 out of 5

12 Responses to “joeware isn’t malware. Google says so.”

  1. Andy says:

    When downloading the file from and then attempting to use it Defender shows it has the Vigorf malware. When doing further investigation it does call out to 3 random websites that are no longer in service so not sure if your file has been corrupted or not.

    • joe says:

      Are you talking about adfind? I show Defender showing adfind!msr. The file downloaded is the same original file I uploaded. What are the digests for the zip file and adfind.exe that you have. If you don’t have another way to produce the digests just grab from and run something like joewaredigests.exe adfind.*

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