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joeware license clarification

by @ 10:38 pm on 6/6/2024. Filed under general

A colleague from my HP days (neither he nor I work for HP anymore) reached out to me to ask for clarification on the joeware licensing for use WITHIN a company, specifically the company he works for now. He wasn’t asking for you and your company, I mean, he is a terribly great nice person and cares a great deal about people and I can absolutely say this as I worked with him for quite a while, but he does have his priorities. Open-mouthed smile  What he asked does apply to most companies as well so if there was any confusion in your companies, I am sorry for that. I hope this clarifies things.

The question was, basically… If we want to use your tools internally, does every single person in the company have to download the tools individually or can we download a copy and put it up on an internal SharePoint, File Share, or OneDrive (or whatever)?

If it is for corporate use and not being distributed to others, especially as part of a solution being sold, then feel free to download and serve out to your internal corporate users from whatever internal distribution model you want to use. Feel free to drop me a line giving me hints on what tools and how popular they are so I can keep the usage in the back of my mind for tool popularity but you don’t even have to do that.

I will even, and have in the past, negotiated terms with folks who want to distribute joeware tools as part of their solutions they are selling to their customers. I am not greedy about it, I just think my beak should get a little bit wet too if someone is taking my work and using it to make some money themselves. I, at least, deserve a nice dinner and something from the top shelf of the dessert cart if someone is making money off of what I have created that they find to be so good it is worth selling as part of something under their own banner. Considering over the last 25 years how much time my tools have saved, how many people and companies I have helped, and how many millions, yes millions of $$$ that my tools have saved companies it is a bit stingy not to share some love with me.


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