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Thank you for calling Company XYZ, you have reached India.

by @ 5:07 pm on 4/5/2007. Filed under general

Interesting article

Call center employees would be required to disclose their physical location when U.S. consumers call them if freshman Congressman Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania has his way.

Can’t say I expect that it should surprise many people…. I mean if someone says “Hi my name is John Smith” and they speak with a heavy Indian accent, it shouldn’t be entirely a surprise that they aren’t in say… Texas.

I think if you really want to make a difference, force the execs making the decisions to offshore the help desks to actually call the help desks and get assistance. That should about do it for it several of them if they didn’t just wuss out and ask for special treatment and have someone else get things handled.


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One Response to “Thank you for calling Company XYZ, you have reached India.”

  1. Alun Jones says:

    Yeah right, that’s going to be a waste of time, because of course the jurisdiction covered by the congressman’s proposed law ends, oh, right about the border of the US. So, those dastardly foreign devils from whom he’s protecting us, will be quite comfortable saying “I’m John Smith from Holland, New Jersey”, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
    Why not just say “companies shouldn’t make stupid short-sighted decisions to try and save a buck”?

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