joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Directory Experts Conference 2008 – Dean and joe show is a go…

by @ 5:19 pm on 12/4/2007. Filed under general

There was a little fallout over a previous blog entry where I casually mentioned that I may not be attending DEC in March 2008.  

After looking over all of my priorities for the next year, receiving feedback from several folks, really thinking hard about things, and finally actually chatting on the phone with Dean and others I realized that DEC is definitely on the need to do list. Dean and I are geeked up to try and put something together that will make people’s propellers spin from cool tech and cause their bellies to hurt from laughter.  

Obviously I will be supplying both the technical info and humour, Dean will be supplying the British accent to make it actually sound reputable. 🙂 Kidding of course. Dean will be supplying all technical content. I will be supplying far out opinions and pointing out why the command line should be your tool of choice for your Windows Admin needs. We both will appropriately insult each other for everyone’s (including our own) amusement and we expect that random folks on the DS (including DS backseat driver team) and Identity teams at Microsoft will be in the room and helping out with the insults and tech. Actually it will probably be some mix of all of those things and more. We have no clue what the final product will be at this point in time, we just know that we will enjoy the process and work hard to make sure you (that would be the “you”s that get off your butt and join us in Chicago March 2-5) enjoy the result.

Anyway, regardless of the time it takes us to prepare for the conference and the time taken to go to it, we just have too much fun and enjoy the people too much to miss it. It is like the family away from the family. Sure… Chicago in March… not my favorite time and place to see my cute kissin’ cousin Christine, that sassy feisty sister Stella, or that generous gregarious Uncle Gil but you do what you have to do to see the people you enjoy seeing. Next year however, I think the family reunion should be on some island… 

So… come one come all, it will be fun. Not because we guarantee it, but just because that is what always seems to happen.

Register now folks!  –


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