joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'rants' Category

Hey companies maintaining personal info about me….

by @ Saturday, May 6th, 2006. Filed under rants

…you don’t own that information. Stop treating it like you do and making decisions with how to deal with it like you do. In particular, you do not have the right to determine that it is safe for you to put my information on your mobile devices (say like laptops) even if you put your own […]

BCE/CE versus BC/AD

by @ Saturday, April 29th, 2006. Filed under rants

I just heard about this controversy, people wanting to rename BC (Before Christ) to BCE (Before Common Era) and AD (Anno Domini – (in the) year of the lord) to CE (Common Era)…. Is this really something worth worrying about or worse, spending money on? Does it really matter at all? I think it lost any […]


by @ Wednesday, April 26th, 2006. Filed under rants

Kelly Pickler got voted off American Idol tonight. Wow. I was quite shocked even though she hasn’t sung great the last two weeks. She wasn’t my favorite but I truly expected her to be in the top three based on her charisma alone. Certainly I think she should have outlasted Paris, Elliot, and Taylor. It may […]

I am so confused…

by @ Wednesday, April 19th, 2006. Filed under rants

I ran into another search windows article today that sucked, I didn’t get the point and it wasn’t even close to being spelled out. This one, however, wasn’t written by Derek.  SECURITY CONCERNS OF EXTENDED SCHEMA IN ACTIVE DIRECTORY   Rating 3.00 out of 5

What did you do Google?

by @ Sunday, April 16th, 2006. Filed under rants

Having written something good about Google, I must now write something not so good about Google so my MSFT friends don’t completely shun me. 🙂 So what is the bad thing? Well it seems Google did something to shift around priority of Microsoft hits on their search results. Why do I say that? Well because […]


by @ Sunday, April 16th, 2006. Filed under rants

Something I like to do a week or so prior to going on the road for work is to update my work laptop with the latest work updates, etc that they like to send down. Something that surpises nearly everyone I work with is that I keep my work laptop almost 100% completely work standard […]


by @ Tuesday, April 11th, 2006. Filed under rants

I just received this email from my favorite group…. the AFA…  April 10, 2006 SEC refuses Ford’s request to keep homosexual issue off their stockholders meeting agenda Ford Sales Drop 5% in March Dear Joe, The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has denied a request by Ford Motor Company to keep a shareholder resolution forbidding […]


by @ Monday, April 10th, 2006. Filed under rants

I haven’t written anything too inflamatory for a bit so possibly this will be. We shall see. 🙂 Those who know me know I have a special affinity for Ford. My first car was a 1971 Ford Mustang with a 351 Cleveland (yes it makes a difference) big block, my next car was a 1972 […]

The end is nigh.

by @ Saturday, April 1st, 2006. Filed under general, house stuff, quotes, rants, recipes, tech, updates

As I spin down from yet another meaningless hectic month I have come to the conclusion that this simple country red-neck hick boy[1] has had enough. As much fun as it is to run around with your hair on fire and having no time to spend on exactly what you want to spend it on […]

It is just a cartoon folks…

by @ Sunday, March 19th, 2006. Filed under rants

I read this article with laughter and sadness at the same time. On the laughing side, it is funny how upset people can get over a cartoon… Yes a cartoon. If your thoughts and beliefs can’t stand up to being poked at by someone, don’t get mad at the person(s) poking. Also anything having to […]

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