joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

Looking at LDAP Network Traffic on Windows

by @ Saturday, June 7th, 2008. Filed under tech

A lot of times when people run into issues with LDAP based apps, one of the troubleshooting steps I recommend is to do a network trace and look at the LDAP traffic and then I hear… Hey, I try to but it looks like gibberish and WireShark says it can’t be decoded or something… By […]

Outlook 2003 Junkmail Filter Broken… Again…

by @ Sunday, June 1st, 2008. Filed under tech

So I uninstalled Microsoft Expressions Web 1 and installed Microsoft Expressions Web 2 on my main workstation (SFMFXP32) this weekend. Then a familiar problem popped up which kind of ticks me off as I bugged this with Microsoft quite some time before and I know people have been complaining about it since at least 2006. […]

AdFind and the -list option

by @ Tuesday, May 13th, 2008. Filed under tech

I saw a posting that had a piece on AdFind at that made me want to post something to my blog here for anyone who doesn’t read ADOrg… Basically one of the posters came up with a good way of setting local admin passwords on machines and part of the solution was to use […]

Good Question

by @ Saturday, May 10th, 2008. Filed under tech

I was talking with a good friend this evening and he asked a question which I would normally consider trivial but the way he put it made me go, oh wow, put that way, that is kind of interesting… It should work the way you would intuit it to work… The question was, how do […]

Post Correction… Alternate working title… Who says a single space isn’t important???

by @ Saturday, May 3rd, 2008. Filed under tech

In one of my old posts (September 2005) I had some vbscript code to convert an octet string GUID to a friendly GUID string. Well I recently received an email from fellow MVP Michael Smith letting me know he found a bug and a new function that was corrected. First thought in my mind was… […]

AdFind Shortcuts for Base DN

by @ Saturday, May 3rd, 2008. Filed under tech

In my previous article on DN formats ( I talked about the various Base DN shortcut formats available and hinted that AdFind has some shortcuts of its own. To me these are all, well they aren’t even second nature because I use them almost exclusively. I am bringing it up because even people who use […]

DN Formats in Active Directory (Binding and Search Base)

by @ Saturday, May 3rd, 2008. Filed under tech

So Active Directory can do some cool things around distinguishedNames (DNs) that many developers even this long into the availability of the product don’t know or take advantage of. I mention this because yet again I ran into a case where some developer/application integrator was unhappy about how easy it is to move users around […]

Kudos to the Microsoft Exchange Dev Team…

by @ Tuesday, April 29th, 2008. Filed under tech

I know some of you may read that and choke on your bagel or candy bar or coke or whatever else you were shoving down your throat as you relaxed and sat back to read what I have to say today… But I mean it! I had an unfortunate issue where one of my virtual […]

Using AdFind and AdMod for an action you might normally have to script…

by @ Monday, April 28th, 2008. Filed under tech

I received the following email: If I wanted to copy the IP Phone attribute of each user into Exchange Extension attribute13 for that user, would AdMod work?  and if so, can you point me to and example? This is actually extremely easy with adfind and admod since I added the -adcsv capability… This is however […]

Active Directory Limits

by @ Friday, April 25th, 2008. Filed under tech

This is a nice article on Active Directory Limits   Summary Max Objects – 231 minus 255 or ~2.15 Billion or 2,147,483,394 Max SIDs – 230 or ~1 billion or 1,073,741,824 Max Group Membership for Security Principal – 1015 groups Max FQDN Length – 64 characters Max File Name Length – 260 characters [1] […]

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