joeware - never stop exploring... :)

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Archive for the 'tech' Category

Source code availability for joeware utilities

by @ Friday, April 20th, 2007. Filed under tech

I get a lot of questions regarding the availability of source code for my joeware utilities. I am not sure why, I thought I have been pretty clear on the web pages for the tools: Source Code Availability           None I think that is clear. I tried to keep it simple and concise. Despite this […]

PSOMgr is done…. I think. :)

by @ Sunday, April 15th, 2007. Filed under tech

I finished V01.00.00 of PSOMgr yesterday. PSOMgr is a command line utility I built to help manage Fine Grain Password Policy Password Settings Objects that are present in Longhorn Server Active Directory. I also set it up to manage Domain Password Policy Settings as well. If you didn’t read my previous info on FGPP then […]

OLED slowly making its way into the market… Cheer!

by @ Sunday, April 15th, 2007. Filed under tech

Sony Corp. said on Thursday it planned to start selling ultra-thin TVs using organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology this year, aiming to become the first to market with a TV using the promising next-generation display.,1895,2113456,00.asp   If you aren’t familiar with OLED, it is the technology that currently exists that allow you to basically […]

Directory Experts Conference 2007 in one week…

by @ Sunday, April 15th, 2007. Filed under tech

The world famous Directory Experts Conference will be going on in Las Vegas (well just outside of Las Vegas) in one week. The festivities officially start on Sunday morning with a Longhorn Workshop where the newest joeware utility will make its public debut – PSOMgr – the one and only tool currently available for easily managing […]

Late night code writing…

by @ Monday, April 2nd, 2007. Filed under tech

Not sure whether to put this under humour or tech. I chose tech because I am likely the only one laughing. I have been working on a new command line tool to manage PSO’s. Tonight I was testing some of the basic components to make sure I could move forward to some of the cooler […]

So your LDAP traffic is encrypted but your app isn’t asking for it…

by @ Monday, March 26th, 2007. Filed under tech

I am playing with a new utility I was challenged to write at the latest MVP Summit. It is a command line utility to manage msDS-PasswordSettings objects and I ran into a weird issue where one of my GC queries wasn’t finding what I thought it should be finding. So as a point of first […]

Searching for users with the LDAP Filter (objectClass=user)…

by @ Saturday, March 24th, 2007. Filed under tech

…is generally a very bad idea. Why, because in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 AD, objectClass is not, by default, indexed. What does that mean you ask? It means that your query is going to be way slow because it has to look at every single object in the search scope of the query […]

Misc Scientific Musing…

by @ Saturday, March 24th, 2007. Filed under tech

So you are in a spaceship…. In interstellar space… Obviously you have no nearby points of reference…. Say maybe stars light-years away…. Is your spaceship moving? Yes? No? How do you authoritatively know without nearby external points of reference that allow you to track your motion? Rating 3.00 out of 5

Cool new Longhorn Server feature is out of the closet…

by @ Sunday, March 18th, 2007. Filed under tech

One of the more secret but possibly hottest new features of Longhorn Server is now “out of the closet”. It is something that has been in the last couple of customer preview versions of Longhorn available up on MSDN and blog entries from Microsoft and other parties are starting to pop up. Rumors have abounded for months […]

Looking for a hosting company?

by @ Sunday, March 11th, 2007. Filed under tech

This is a heck of a deal   300GB of space and 3000GB of bandwidth per month. $5.77 per month for the first year and $7.77 after…   This is the hosting company I use. If you do sign up for it, I would appreciate it if you referenced this blog or my website […]

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