joeware - never stop exploring... :)

Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...

Archive for the 'tech' Category

Protecting yourself from massive accidental deletes in Active Directory

by @ Sunday, March 4th, 2007. Filed under tech

Now I know that title caught your attention… Why? Because most of the folks reading this blog do something with Active Directory and this is a pain point in AD. An unnecessary pain point in my opinion, but a pain point none-the-less. I bring it up because Tim Springston from PSS (or CSS, whatever you […]

CPAU is being listed as a virus again…

by @ Friday, March 2nd, 2007. Filed under tech

You may recall that McAfee started listing CPAU as an virus last year, now Trend Micro has jumped on board as well. I just received an email today that V01.11.00 was identified as TROJ_GENERIC.ZA starting with pattern 4.309.00 which the user received today. I have emailed Trend to see if they intend this or it […]

Ok, now this is pretty cool…

by @ Friday, February 23rd, 2007. Filed under tech

The online platform SDK MSDN Library has sort of been turned into a Wiki… I was poking around looking at Schema definitions to see if there was any new info explaining some of the attributes and at the bottom of an attribute I noticed a little button that says “Add New Community Content”….. Very cool… […]

Windows Mobile Daylight Savings Time Updates

by @ Sunday, February 18th, 2007. Filed under tech

So you have been thinking about updating your computers for the DST changes this year… Did you remember to update your Windows Mobile devices? Rating 3.00 out of 5

New Hardware for Virtuals

by @ Saturday, February 17th, 2007. Filed under tech

I have been running more and more power hungry virtuals and finally had to load up some SQL Servers (I don’t like SQL Server the app[1]). This called to attention that I needed to use more than my older hardware for running virtuals so I ordered the materials to make Super Fast Virtual Mofo…. SFVM. […]

"Oddity" with Active Directory Phantom Root Capability

by @ Sunday, February 11th, 2007. Filed under tech

I recently mentioned the beauty of Phantom Root and how you can use it to search all of the NCs on a DC in a single fell swoop. This works great but I stumbled upon a slight oddity. I am discussing it with the MSFT DS Dev team as there is some debate/question on exactly […]

Heads up if you use DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_BLOB to decode msDS-ReplAttributeMetaData

by @ Saturday, February 10th, 2007. Filed under tech

I was working on some additional functionality for AdFind to decode the replication metadata in a little more readable format than the default XML format you get with msDS-ReplAttributeMetaData and ran into an issue with DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_BLOB. The structure is defined on MSDN – It looks like typedef struct {DWORD oszAttributeName;DWORD dwVersion;FILETIME ftimeLastOriginatingChange;UUID uuidLastOriginatingDsaInvocationID;USN usnOriginatingChange;USN […]

Apple FUD Monkeys

by @ Saturday, February 10th, 2007. Filed under tech

Dana says it very well here…  I agree with him, the UAC stuff was extremely obtrusive in the beta phases and *might* get annoying when initially setting up a new PC if you are loading a ton of stuff but honestly, it hasn’t really bothered me since Beta2. That beta was rough and I actually […]

Another Cool New AdFind Feature… Glad I Asked for Input…

by @ Saturday, February 10th, 2007. Filed under tech

I posted yesterday about AdFind being on the bench and I received a couple of emails. One of the emails came from a friend who now works for MSFT. The core of the note was In ADFind, could you also have a switch to tell you the size of the ntSecurityDescriptors attribute? I’ve noticed quite a few applications […]

Question on AdFind SID Resolution

by @ Tuesday, February 6th, 2007. Filed under tech

In the last couple of months, I found myself in a position where I could only access a domain controller through a reverse proxy port redirector and was simply redirecting port 389. This adds some level of difficulty to doing some things since AD isn’t strictly LDAP based. There is quite a bit of stuff […]

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