This is pretty darn creative… Rating 3.00 out of 5
Information about joeware mixed with wild and crazy opinions...
This is pretty darn creative… Rating 3.00 out of 5
I was combing through the newsgroups looking for folks in need of assistance and I ran into a relatively interesting problem: I updated our recipient policy in Exchange 2003 to add a new SMTP domain name to everyone’s mailbox, it all looked great until I noticed it added the domain to our custom contacts in […]
You may recall the previous blog entries about the new ACL that appeared in Windows Server 2003 SP1… The one that locks down who can work with the service control manager, like for instance enumerate services, etc. This problem impacts the Exchange tools as well as monitoring, etc many folks have set up. […]
If you are an MSDN Subscriber (not just the library…) then Office 2007 is now available to you for download. It went up yesterday I believe but I wanted to download it before I told anyone. 😉 BTW, the site is still downloading quickly… Rating 3.00 out of 5
Josh Ledgard blogged about some internal softie experiences in getting a QFE… It cracked me up… Some interesting points… 1. With his choice of search key words Google took him directly to his KB article, Microsoft’s own live search didn’t… 2. This quote which I wholeheartedly and completely agree with When are we going […]
Not sure how this slipped by me, it isn’t like I am following the NET stuff all that closely but I expect I will hear about the bigger things usually… Anyway, the 3.0 version of the NET Framework is now available. I have no clue what they did for it but I hope they fixed […]
I was perusing the newsgroups this evening and ran across someone with a “case” issue with logon names in Active Directory. It seems some software he was using required a specific case[1]. Well AD doesn’t case about case… at all. However this person was having a problem changing the case. I looked at it and […]
Do you have PSTs that have duplicate emails in them? I certainly do, well sometimes do… I have a habit of backing up a lot of my files across my various PCs and this gets messy for PST files because Microsoft Outlook isn’t intelligent to properly merge PSTs, it just keeps everything. Quite annoying actually… So […]
As I have mentioned previously, CPAU is an app that I have on the joeware site that is amazingly popular but not something that really excites me and isn’t one the utilities that I really love. It was just sort of something I whipped up to help myself in a couple of cases with a bunch […]
You will have noticed the previous two posts were about Vista changes. Why did I post them? Well because I am actually FINALLY forcing myself to really dig into it and understand how it impacts joeware. Honestly I should have spent considerable time on this before but I will use the excuse of being far […]
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